Truelove Clinic

The FIRST of its kind in the world

Welcome to Truelove Clinic first of its kind in the world, a member of Truelovefoundation Charity, clinic where only truelove is prescribed as the drug that cures Divorce & Domestic Violence without side effects, based on your KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, and WISDOM of truelove.

A clinic where only truelove is prescribed based on your agreement with your partner on the principle of oneness, the choice and the willingness to build on the foundation of truelove, so as to be totally healed of every relationship problems. In this clinic we provide you with the cure for divorce called Truelove discovered by Gabriel Unaji.
“Truelove (the drug) with 15 tablets that cures 
divorce and domestic violence” from Amazon or Truelovefoundation.com.
In this book Dr of Truelove prescribed the 15 characters of truelove as the drugs that cure not only divorce, but any relationship problems out there.

The only clinic in the world where patients are presented with only two types of drugs, the drug (Truelove), the one that will cure the diseases (problems) in your marriage before divorce and the second drug kills marriage, it is called human – love without foundation. These drugs are in two set of tablets and each contains 15 tablets, (15 characters of truelove) which destroys all diseases that leads to divorce, to be taken daily till death do you part. Second set of tablets contains also 15 tablets called Human – love (15 bad characters that kill marriages, called the enemies of truelove), only for information purposes only, as human – love has no foundation to build on and any building without foundation cannot stand, so a marriage without foundation cannot stand.

The clinic recommends highly you go for truelove not only you take the drug daily but make it also the foundation you build your marriage and life on for your peace of mind.
Note that your believe system determines your circumstances in life, 
so in this clinic we present you with choices, every day of your life 
you make thousands of choices good, bad, big, small, 
but here is the choice between Truelove and Human –love, 
Truelove never fails but human – love fails at all time 
because it is based on emotions (feelings).

Why Truelove Clinic?


Gabriel Unaji

Dr of Truelove
Truelove clinic came about after I wrote the book 
“What is Truelove? The Cure for Divorce” 
This came about after my wife whom I loved so much ‘My first heartfelt love’ moved out of the family home with the children due to the first major financial hitch, not only moved out but went on 
to court and finally divorced me. It was so painful and after a long 
thought I said to myself  “Do not be a victim but be a victor” 
and I can only be victorious if I find the solution to divorce, so others 
will not go through the pain of divorce and domestic violence.

The book, what is truelove? The cure for divorce, tells you what is 
truelove and the fifteen characters of truelove called the fifteen tablets 
and same time these 15 tablets are the fifteen pillars to build your 
marriage or any meaningful relationship on that will never fails. 
Every great building that will stand the test of time is based on its solid 
foundation, so build your marriage or any relationship on truelove. 
Dr of Truelove.

The first law of marriage is agreement; The second law of marriage is the foundation to build the marriage on.

Agreement with your partner on the 
principle of oneness, the choice and the 
willingness to build on the foundation of 
truelove, so as to be totally healed of 
every relationship problems.




About Truelove

Welcome to Truelove Clinic first of its kind in the world, a member of Truelovefoundation Charity, clinic where only truelove is prescribed as the drug that cures Divorce & Domestic Violence without side effects, based on your KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, and WISDOM of truelove.

A clinic where only truelove is prescribed based on your agreement with your partner on the principle of oneness, the choice and the willingness to build on the foundation of truelove, so as to be totally healed of every relationship problems. In this clinic we provide you with the cure for divorce called Truelove discovered by Gabriel Unaji. 

Truelove Thoughts

Divorce and marital challenges are like diseases with underlying causes and hence need treatment. He suggests a drug “truelove” with 15 active ingredients: The laws of agreement, priority, pursuit, possession, purity, love and respect.

Contact Us

Email: droftruelove@trueloveclinic.com 

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